Axe Knight, Forest Thug

Name | Desription |
Entity | monster_axeman |
Source Mod | Drake (SOE) |
Health | 300 |
Gib Health | -35 |
Pain Flinch | 40 |
Description | Fast, tough knight with axe. Ferocious axe-wielding maniac. Uses attacks in sequence. |
Attack Type | Attack Name | Description | Damage |
Melee | Hack Run A | swing axe, damage over 3 frames | 0-9 |
Melee | Hack Run B | swing axe, damage over 2 frames | 0-6 |
Melee | Hack Run C | swing axe, damage over 2 frames | 0-6 |
Melee | Hack Run D | swing axe, damage over 2 frames | 0-6 |
Forest Thug
Set exactskin
to 1 or 2. Only changes deathstring
to " was bushwhacked by a Forest Thug\n"
