
Attributions: Frank Condello (aka pOx), Khreathor for the extras_r5 update

Particles touching this trigger are attracted to it's center. Can also repel particles with negative strength. This works best with particles that have a low gravity setting.

Since this is a part of the extras_r5 Emitters system, please refer to system detail here: Triggers


  • "speed"...Strength of the attraction
  • "cnt".....Percentage of original particle velocity to diminish
  • "count"...Override the default 100% of particles affected (valid: 1-99 i.e 50 affects roughly 50% of the particles)
  • "targetname" Can be enabled/disabled


  • 1 - "START_ON"......Start in enabled state even if targeted

  • 16 - "TANGENTIAL"...Particles turn to face new direction