Point Entities

There are two types of entities in Quake, brush based and point based. Point entities are placed as empty point objects in the level editor and compiled into the map with nothing more than the data about them. These entities, like all entities, are actually code functions of this form:

void() entity_name_here = { //Code to make things happen };

When placing an entity in the level editor of the same name as the function, entity_name_here, then this function will have its code executed when the level starts.

Anything the QuakeC code can do, an entity can do, because they are essentially one and the same. This leads to powerful applications for good by following documentation and properly applying .fgd values and specified ranges, but also powerful applications for evil by doing maphacks by treating unexpected functions as entities. If you use a maphack, you do so with no support for resulting bugs or unexpected behavior, fun or otherwise.

Technical Note: The normal world is itself a point entity called worldspawn. (See World).

  1. Actor_target
  2. Air_bubbles
  3. Ambients and Sound Effects
  4. Dmatch_tag_token
  5. Dragon_corner
  6. Earthquake
  7. Effect_finale
  8. Effect_teleport
  9. Event_lightning
  10. Func_bob
  11. Func_bobbingwater
  12. Func_bossgate
  13. Func_breakable_spawner
  14. Func_breakaway
  15. Func_breakawaywall
  16. Func_bspframe
  17. Func_bubbles
  18. Func_button
  19. Func_button_ext
  20. Func_clock
  21. Func_counter
  22. Func_ctf_wall
  23. Func_door
  24. Func_door_secret
  25. Func_drips
  26. Func_earthquake
  27. Func_elvtr_button
  28. Func_emitter
  29. Func_emitter_volume
  30. Func_episodegate
  31. Func_explobox
  32. Func_explobsp
  33. Func_explode
  34. Func_exploder
  35. Func_illusionary
  36. Func_insidevolume
  37. Func_laser
  38. Func_movewall
  39. Func_multi_exploder
  40. Func_new_plat
  41. Func_nodraw
  42. Func_oncount
  43. Func_particlefield
  44. Func_plat
  45. Func_pressureswitch
  46. Func_pushable
  47. Func_robot
  48. Func_robot_controller
  49. Func_rotate_door
  50. Func_rotate_entity
  51. Func_rotate_train
  52. Func_rubble
  53. Func_rubble1
  54. Func_rubble2
  55. Func_rubble3
  56. Func_shadow
  57. Func_skill
  58. Func_slidebox
  59. Func_spawn
  60. Func_spawn_small
  61. Func_sprite_emitter
  62. Func_switch
  63. Func_togglewall
  64. Func_train
  65. Func_train2
  66. Func_train_ext
  67. Func_turret
  68. Func_wall
  69. Func_water
  70. Func_watertrain
  71. Info_bomb
  72. Info_boss_spot
  73. Info_camera_destination
  74. Info_command
  75. Info_command_server
  76. Info_command_spawn
  77. Info_earthquake
  78. Info_effect_pulse
  79. Info_filter
  80. Info_focal_point
  81. Info_givepower
  82. Info_home
  83. Info_intermission
  84. Info_morph_destination
  85. Info_movie_camera
  86. Info_notnull
  87. Info_null
  88. Info_overlord_destination
  89. Info_player_coop
  90. Info_player_coop2
  91. Info_player_deathmatch
  92. Info_player_start
  93. Info_player_start2
  94. Info_player_startdev
  95. Info_player_team1
  96. Info_player_team2
  97. Info_rotate
  98. Info_screenshake
  99. Info_script
  100. Info_shrine
  101. Info_skullwiz_destination
  102. Info_skyroom
  103. Info_spirit_destination
  104. Info_sprite_static
  105. Info_startendtext
  106. Info_target
  107. Info_teleport_destination
  108. Info_teleportinstant_dest
  109. Item_flashlight
  110. Item_pushup
  111. Item_secrethunter
  112. Item_taunt
  113. Item_time_core
  114. Item_time_machine
  115. Item_treasure_coin
  116. Item_treasure_gem
  117. Item_tree
  118. Item_zerlogo
  119. Light
  120. Light_beacon
  121. Light_candle
  122. Light_ceil
  123. Light_fix
  124. Light_fixture1
  125. Light_flame_brazier_short
  126. Light_flame_brazier_tall
  127. Light_flame_large_yellow
  128. Light_flame_pyre
  129. Light_flame_small_white
  130. Light_flame_small_yellow
  131. Light_fluoro
  132. Light_fluoropost
  133. Light_fluorospark
  134. Light_globe
  135. Light_globecolor
  136. Light_lantern
  137. Light_lantern2
  138. Light_postlight
  139. Light_torch_long_walltorch
  140. Light_torch_small_walltorch
  141. Light_tubelight
  142. Logic and Entity State System
  143. Logic_auto
  144. Meat_shower
  145. Misc_actor
  146. Misc_alice
  147. Misc_barmaid
  148. Misc_barrel
  149. Misc_bell
  150. Misc_bellredfield
  151. Misc_biobox_l
  152. Misc_biobox_s
  153. Misc_bob
  154. Misc_breakable_pot1
  155. Misc_breakable_pot1a
  156. Misc_breakable_pot1aflr
  157. Misc_breakable_pot1b
  158. Misc_breakable_pot1c
  159. Misc_breakable_pot1d
  160. Misc_breakable_pot2a
  161. Misc_breakable_pot2aflr
  162. Misc_breakable_pot2b
  163. Misc_breakable_pot2c
  164. Misc_breakable_pot2d
  165. Misc_breakable_vase1
  166. Misc_builtineffects
  167. Misc_camera
  168. Misc_cat
  169. Misc_cshiftflash
  170. Misc_deadplayer
  171. Misc_decor
  172. Misc_demon
  173. Misc_dknight
  174. Misc_drip
  175. Misc_explobox
  176. Misc_explobox2
  177. Misc_fan
  178. Misc_fireball
  179. Misc_firefx
  180. Misc_flag
  181. Misc_gibfountain
  182. Misc_gibft
  183. Misc_glitter
  184. Misc_godray
  185. Misc_grass
  186. Misc_hostage
  187. Misc_huntress_spawn
  188. Misc_intro_oldone
  189. Misc_karasucutscene
  190. Misc_librarycart
  191. Misc_marshlight
  192. Misc_model
  193. Misc_modelrdm
  194. Misc_particle
  195. Misc_particle_burst
  196. Misc_particle_trail
  197. Misc_particletemplate
  198. Misc_plasmabox_l
  199. Misc_plasmabox_s
  200. Misc_player
  201. Misc_raincloud
  202. Misc_redrunes
  203. Misc_saluteknight
  204. Misc_shake
  205. Misc_slimeball
  206. Misc_smoke
  207. Misc_spark
  208. Misc_sparks
  209. Misc_spikes
  210. Misc_spiral
  211. Misc_splash
  212. Misc_statue
  213. Misc_targetdummy
  214. Misc_targetnumber
  215. Misc_teleporttrain
  216. Misc_textbook
  217. Misc_textstory
  218. Misc_textstoryctrl
  219. Misc_tree
  220. Misc_ufo
  221. Misc_vase
  222. Misc_wanted
  223. Misc_waterfountain
  224. Misc_weather
  225. Misc_wolfscene
  226. Move_rope
  227. Obj_ballista
  228. Path_rotate
  229. Play_sound
  230. Play_sound_triggered
  231. Random_thunder
  232. Random_thunder_triggered
  233. Rotate_object
  234. Rotating_wall
  235. Tele_fog
  236. Train_ext_waypoint
  237. Trap_gasshooter
  238. Trap_gods_wrath
  239. Trap_gravity_well
  240. Trap_grenadeshooter
  241. Trap_lightning
  242. Trap_lightning_switched
  243. Trap_lightning_triggered
  244. Trap_lightningshooter
  245. Trap_pendlong
  246. Trap_pendlongx
  247. Trap_pendshort
  248. Trap_pendshortx
  249. Trap_proxmine
  250. Trap_rocketshooter
  251. Trap_sawbladex
  252. Trap_sawbladey
  253. Trap_spike_mine
  254. Trap_spikeshooter
  255. Trap_tesla_coil
  256. Trap_turret
  257. Trigger_cdtrack
  258. Trigger_changedir
  259. Trigger_changelevel
  260. Trigger_chat
  261. Trigger_chat_relay
  262. Trigger_clientmsg
  263. Trigger_coinpurchase
  264. Trigger_command
  265. Trigger_control
  266. Trigger_conveyor
  267. Trigger_counter
  268. Trigger_cvarset
  269. Trigger_damagethreshold
  270. Trigger_doorstate
  271. Trigger_drolejump
  272. Trigger_earthquake
  273. Trigger_earthquake_kill
  274. Trigger_enemy
  275. Trigger_engine
  276. Trigger_entitystate_aframe
  277. Trigger_entitystate_disable
  278. Trigger_entitystate_off
  279. Trigger_entitystate_on
  280. Trigger_entitystate_reset
  281. Trigger_explode
  282. Trigger_fallspeed
  283. Trigger_fog
  284. Trigger_forward
  285. Trigger_gibpurchase
  286. Trigger_giveitems
  287. Trigger_go
  288. Trigger_gocamera
  289. Trigger_gravity
  290. Trigger_heal
  291. Trigger_hurt
  292. Trigger_itemrespawnupd
  293. Trigger_ladder
  294. Trigger_lightstyle
  295. Trigger_mapvar_multiple
  296. Trigger_mapvar_query
  297. Trigger_mapvar_toggle
  298. Trigger_mapvar_update
  299. Trigger_maxhp
  300. Trigger_monsterattack
  301. Trigger_monsterbreak
  302. Trigger_monsterdrop
  303. Trigger_monsterjump
  304. Trigger_monsterkill
  305. Trigger_monstermovespeed
  306. Trigger_monsternojump
  307. Trigger_monsterpassivestate
  308. Trigger_monsterturret
  309. Trigger_multiple
  310. Trigger_once
  311. Trigger_onlyregistered
  312. Trigger_playerparticles
  313. Trigger_prerequisit
  314. Trigger_push
  315. Trigger_quake
  316. Trigger_relay
  317. Trigger_relay2
  318. Trigger_reverse
  319. Trigger_rune
  320. Trigger_secret
  321. Trigger_setskill
  322. Trigger_shake
  323. Trigger_skybox
  324. Trigger_skyfog
  325. Trigger_smite
  326. Trigger_stop
  327. Trigger_takeartifact
  328. Trigger_teleport
  329. Trigger_timer
  330. Trigger_velocity
  331. Trigger_victory
  332. Trigger_vigend
  333. Trigger_void
  334. Trigger_waterfall
  335. Wallsprite
  336. monster_eidolon_wavetrig
  337. path_corner
