In the making of Keep, these are the tools that were used for the compilation of it all.
- fteqccgui
- notepad
- Notepad++
- Visual Studio Code
- Wally
- J.A.C.K (formerly Jackhammer)
- Worldcraft 3.3 with patch
- Trenchbroom
- Adquedit
- fimg
- Unity3D
- Nifty (by Qmaster using Unity3D)
- QME 2.1
- QME 3.0
- QME 3.1
- TexMex
- ericw compilers
- Tyrutils compilers
- TreeQBSP
- Quakespasm-Spiked
- Quakespasm
- vkQuake
- ironwail
- DarkPlaces
- MarkV
- Zsh
- OhMyZsh
- powerlevel10k
- tmux