Health and Damage
Player Health
Player Health Overview
Player health starts at 100. Death occurs when reaching 0 health and a message displays at the top of tue screen for why you died; useful to see the name of what killed you.
TIP: Press console key (default is tilde ~, but may be ^ ° on German keyboards) to access the console to read messages that you may have missed.
Maximum player health is typically 100. There are exceptions:
- The megahealth powerup raises health over the normal maximum up to a megamax value of 250.
- Evil Mode lowers max health to 50 but does not affect megamax.
Damage to Player
Typically damage dealt is one for one: 1 damage removes 1 health. Damage is calculated internally as a fractional floating point value subtracted from health and the resultant health is rounded up to the nearest whole value. The reason for fractional calculations is due to armor resistance being calculated as a percentage.
Players can receive various other items in addition to armor that affect how or if they are damaged and by what kinds of damage. See Protection for more details. Damage from environmental sources will ignore armor, for instance lava, slime, and drowning will affect only a player's health and not their armor.