Config and Settings

There are numerous configurable settings and keybinds specific to the Keep mod, with most deriving from Arcane Dimensions (AD)'s way of doing things.


The various mod settings are specified in the keep/quake.rc file. All of the MOD features can be changed before loading by editing this file in a text editor.


  • Type: integer used as bitmask
  • Description: Set by adding desired active values together. Defaults to 132096 which is equal to 131072 + 1024 for particles on by default and disable projectile shotguns by default. Specified in quake.rc like so:

temp1 132096

Bit ValueDescription
256Turn OFF item offset (designed for new maps)
512Turn ON sprite particles for any engine (default OFF)
1024Turn ON particle system (default OFF)
2048Turn OFF Dev Helpers (mark/arrows)
4096Upgrade existing Axe, +75% dmg, gib zombies
8192Upgrade SSG weapon pickups, +50% dmg, uses 3 shells
16384Upgrade LG weapon pickups, Direct + Splashdamage
131072Turn OFF Shotgun projectiles
262144Turn OFF Shotgun casings
524288Turn OFF Z aware monsters
1048576Turn OFF Enemy/player footsteps
2097152Turn OFF AI path corner extra info
4194304Turn OFF Monster liquid damage

Impulse Command Settings

The following are rarely needed special options done by entering impulse # in the console and changing # for one of the following numbers. Some of these can be changed via console variables or temp1 as well. This allows quicker in-game testing to see if a setting suits you or not. These will display a console message explaining what happened.

ImpulseDescriptionDefault State
100Toggle auto aim on/offoff
105Toggle projectile size big/small (subtle)big
110Toggle z-aware arc projectile aiming on enemies on/offon
120Toggle footstep noises on/off
125Toggle liquid damages monsters (only affects certain monsters such as zombies) on/offon
130Toggle shotgun method projectile/hitscan (classic)hitscan
135Toggle shotgun drop shell casings on/offon
137Toggle missile homing (only for certain monsters such as monster_army_rocket) on/offon
140Display mod version[INFO] Keep Mod, version 0.##
142Display player position, useful for finding good intermission coordinates, same as viewpos + setview console commands[INFO] Org (# # #)
150Toggle dropping of artifacts in coop on/off/on
152Toggle coop weapons stay/remove-on-pickupstay
154Toggle coop health stay/remove-on-pickupremove-on-pickup
155Toggle coop ammo stay/remove-on-pickupremove-on-pickup
158Toggle coop powerups stay/remove-on-pickupremove-on-pickup
160Toggle weather, engine effects only, does not affect rainclouds, drips, and emitterson
162Cycle max player health through one of 25, 50, 75, 100100, unless Evil Mode active
164Cycle max player health through one of 50, 100100, unless Evil Mode active
170Toggle corpse and gib fade on/off (classic)on
178Cycle HUD types through Standard 3-Bar Middle, Sides, Blank, Doom Classic, Quake Champions, Wide Single Row,Crosshair, Blank, BlankStandard
220Display mod settings
100Toggle auto aim
100Toggle auto aim
100Toggle auto aim


These files are used for specific engine confirguration and keybind settings:

  • keep/default.cfg- Default Keybinds
  • keep/config.cfg - Override keybinds.
  • keep/autoexec.cfg (if present, manually user created) - Override Engine Console Commands

The default keybinds for Keep are in the keep/default.cfg file and are overriden by the user in-game. The override is then automatically saved by the engine to keep/config.cfg. You can modify this directly in any text editor, but please do not change default.cfg in case you need it as a backup.

These binds are specific to Keep, mostly for weapons:

Bind CommandDescription
"bind" "0" "impulse 77"Cycle through weapons in weapon slot 0
"bind" "9" "impulse 9"Cycle through weapons in weapon slot 9
"bind" "l" "impulse 59"Toggle Power Shield powerup on and off, if collected. Protects from damage by using cells ammo on impact
"bind" "k" "impulse 58"Activate stored Quad powerup(Berserk Armor)
"bind" "j" "impulse 57"Activate stored Invisibility powerup(Spirit Shroud)
"bind" "h" "impulse 56"Activate stored Invulnerability powerup(Dragonhide Armor)
bind "e" "impulse 159"Use key. Used by purchase triggers
bind "b" "impulse 143"Display coins collected in centerprint
bind "n" "impulse 144"Display bones/gibs collected in centerprint (Versus mutliplayer only, and only for players on the monster team)
bind "g" "impulse 146"Toggle flashlight on and off, if collected
