
The enemies of Quake, commonly referred to as monsters, are many and varied. Keep contains support for almost 200 different enemies. Many have alternate skins or upgraded versions such as the ogre family, death knight brigade, grunts, and enforcers. Here, all attributes and options for how to use enemies in the Keep mod are listed and explained. I use the term attribute to describe both key|value pairs and spawn flag options (technically spawnflags is itself a key with a value). All enemies can be placed as-is without setting or changing any attributes, including bosses. Most other mods require special setups for their bosses but Keep allows any enemy to be used as if it were a normal monster. Special boss setups are still supported.

Table Of Contents

  1. Common Attributes
  2. Behavior
  3. Bosses
  4. Anaconda
  5. Anaconda Coil
  6. Archer
  7. Archer Assassin
  8. Armagon
  9. Axe Grunt
  10. Axe Knight, Forest Thug
  11. Balrog
  12. Bandit
  13. Bane
  14. Baron, Fire Baron, Earth Baron, Wind Baron, Water Baron
  15. Bees
  16. Bog Lord
  17. Boil
  18. Brigade Commander, Stone Brigade Commander
  19. Carnivean
  20. Centurion
  21. Chthon
  22. Chthon (Killable)
  23. Commando
  24. Crossbow Knight (AD)
  25. Cyberdemon
  26. Cyborg Grunt
  27. Dark Lord
  28. Dark Prince
  29. Death Guard (AD)
  30. Death Guard (Quoth)
  31. Death Knight (AD)
  32. Death Lord
  33. Death Seargent
  34. Decoy Player
  35. Defender
  36. Deflector
  37. Dragon (Drake)
  38. Dragon (Rogue)
  39. Drole
  40. Drone
  41. Eel
  42. Electrocutioner
  43. Fallen Angel
  44. Fallen Angel Lord
  45. Fiend
  46. Firetop Chthon
  47. Floyd
  48. Fury Knight
  49. Ghost Knight
  50. Grenadier
  51. Grunt
  52. Monster_eidolon
  53. Monster_eliminator
  54. Monster_enforcer
  55. Monster_flytrap
  56. Monster_flytrap_ground
  57. Monster_frog
  58. Monster_fumigator
  59. Monster_gargoyle
  60. Monster_gaunt
  61. Monster_goblin
  62. Monster_golem
  63. Monster_gremlin
  64. Monster_gug
  65. Monster_gunner
  66. Monster_hell_hound
  67. Monster_hell_knight
  68. Monster_hell_knight2
  69. Monster_hell_knight_champion
  70. Monster_hell_knight_enforcer
  71. Monster_hell_lord
  72. Monster_hell_pointknight
  73. Monster_hkboss
  74. Monster_hogre
  75. Monster_hogreham
  76. Monster_hogremac
  77. Monster_huntress
  78. Monster_huntress_firetrig
  79. Monster_huntressmodel
  80. Monster_hydra
  81. Monster_icegolem
  82. Monster_icegolem_wavetrig
  83. Monster_imp_lord
  84. Monster_impling
  85. Monster_inquisitor
  86. Monster_jim
  87. Monster_judgeminion
  88. Monster_judicator
  89. Monster_justice
  90. Monster_karasu
  91. Monster_karasu_spelltrig
  92. Monster_knight
  93. Monster_lava_man
  94. Monster_lavagolem
  95. Monster_lichfiend
  96. Monster_lostsoul
  97. Monster_manticore
  98. Monster_meatwad
  99. Monster_megaforce
  100. Monster_minotaur
  101. Monster_morph
  102. Monster_mummy
  103. Monster_necromancer
  104. Monster_necrominion
  105. Monster_necrominiongolem
  106. Monster_nehahra
  107. Monster_nemesant
  108. Monster_nightshade
  109. Monster_nour
  110. Monster_nourminion
  111. Monster_octa
  112. Monster_ogle
  113. Monster_oglib
  114. Monster_ogre
  115. Monster_ogre_fishing
  116. Monster_ogre_fishing_ghost
  117. Monster_ogre_flak
  118. Monster_ogre_marksman
  119. Monster_ogre_multi
  120. Monster_oldone
  121. Monster_oldone_tentacle
  122. Monster_polyp
  123. Monster_pyro
  124. Monster_queen
  125. Monster_ranger
  126. Monster_raven
  127. Monster_rebel
  128. Monster_reiver
  129. Monster_ryu
  130. Monster_ryu_wyrm
  131. Monster_scorpion
  132. Monster_scourge
  133. Monster_seeker
  134. Monster_sentinel
  135. Monster_shalrath
  136. Monster_shalrath_boss
  137. Monster_shalrathminion
  138. Monster_shambler
  139. Monster_shamvile
  140. Monster_sheep
  141. Monster_shub
  142. Monster_shubupsd
  143. Monster_skullwiz
  144. Monster_skullwizminion
  145. Monster_snakeman
  146. Monster_spellmaster
  147. Monster_spider
  148. Monster_spikemine
  149. Monster_spirit
  150. Monster_steelclaw
  151. Monster_super_enforcer
  152. Monster_super_grunt
  153. Monster_super_wrath
  154. Monster_swampling
  155. Monster_sword
  156. Monster_tarbaby
  157. Monster_tarbaby_mitosis
  158. Monster_thug
  159. Monster_trogboss
  160. Monster_troglodyte
  161. Monster_tur
  162. Monster_vermis
  163. Monster_virtus
  164. Monster_voidwraith
  165. Monster_vomitus
  166. Monster_voreling
  167. Monster_warrior
  168. Monster_wizboss
  169. Monster_wolf
  170. Monster_wraith
  171. Monster_wraith_lord
  172. Monster_wraithminion
  173. Monster_wraithminion2
  174. Monster_wrath
  175. Monster_xmas_elf
  176. Monster_xmas_raindeer
  177. Monster_xmas_santa
  178. Monster_xmas_snowman
  179. Monster_zombie
  180. Monster_zombiek
  181. Monster_zombiep
  182. Nail Grunt
  183. Rocketeer
  184. Rotfish
  185. Rottweiler, Hell Hound
  186. Scrag
  187. Tether System
  188. Willy the Spider
